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Trump Misquotes/Slanders the Mayor of London

This is almost too typical to pay attention to, but just to set the record straight:

What Trump tweeted: At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!”

What the Mayor of London actually said: My message to Londoners and visitors to […]

Donald Trump Can’t Get Out of Paris Climate Accord to Easily

If you’re depressed about Trump rejecting the Paris Climate Accord, take heart. Trump’s proclamation is really nothing more than empty bravado.

Donald Trump can’t get out of Paris Climate Accord until 2021; decision will actually be made by next President

Would Homeland Security Welcome an Airliner Attack?

Scary thoughts: Maybe the decision not to ban laptops on planes is just putting PR and passenger convenience over security concerns, but maybe this is someone in Trumpland thinking that a blown up airliner would be just what Trump needs to shift the narrative off of his Russia/Kushner/Flynn dilemmas. Conspiracy thinking aside, you have to […]

NSA Chief Admits Trump Colluded with Russia

Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, has held a town hall meeting, broadcast to all NSA employees worldwide, confirming that NSA has information showing collusion between Trump election officials and Russian intelligence agents to promote Trump’s election, and that Trump tried to get him to deny (falsely) that there was any evidence […]

Der Spiegel Calls Trump “A Danger to the World”

In response to Trump’s provocations, Der Spiegel calls for Trump’s removal for being both unfit and dangerous. Der Spiegel is not a crackpot leftist publication. It is a respected German weekly news magazine published in Hamburg. It is one of Europe’s largest publications of its kind, with a weekly circulation of 840,000. That Der Spiegel […]