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Maybe it’s because it’s five o’clock


Maybe it’s because it’s five o’clock

and I’ve been sitting still all day.

Maybe it’s the coffee and the sweet roll.

Maybe it’s the door pried open in me,

reading Anne Sexton and Barbara Farabee.

But when you come in

my senses are open wide,

and as we talk

smiles keep taking over my […]

Come night, be welcome


Come night, be welcome.

Your peace speaks gentleness,

your closeness an inner warmth.

Come curl around my shoulders,

bring your fog if you like.

Together we’ll sip moonlight,

listen to the wind, and follow

wherever the darkness may lead.

Phoenix Song



How shall I live without you

without being who I have been,

without the shelter of these walls

now darkened into a cell?


I have worked so hard to build this temple

only to find that my gods have changed.


So much has been built […]

Poetry Poem


Slowly, cautiously

like a wild animal

curious yet afraid

instinct of the heart

against instinct of the hunter

the spirit of poetry stalks the edge

of my campfire’s circle of light.


I see you there, prowling,


while I stare blankly

into the fire

pretending […]

Purple is the color of the longing


Purple is the color of the longing,

tucked into the folds of pulpy organs

soft and vulnerable.

A finger could pierce like a bullet

this swollen pulse.

An uncaring touch would tear to pieces

the soft fiber of its nest.


Defenseless it hides

in the soft warm dark

safe and alone,

and dreams […]