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Challenging the Rule of Law: The Most Serious Trump Danger

Here’s another article pointing to the most important aspects of what’s going on with the Trump cabal right now — not immigration bans, but challenging whether court orders will be followed or ignored. It’s great that so many new people have mobilized through the women’s march and the airport protests, and that the energy among progressives has shifted from despair to the possibility of challenging Trump. But it’s important that we focus on the most important things that are going on — the possibility that Trump is testing his ability to ignore the courts entirely, to overthrow the system of checks and balances that has always been the ultimate protection against dictatorial executive power, and consolidating executive power in the hands of Bannon and Miller — the people that Congress has no power to disapprove — while he dismantles and downgrades the State Department, the intelligence community, the Justice Department, and others in a position to challenge him.

Right now the most important things going on in terms of resistance are the lawsuits by the ACLU, State of Washington, and the growing collection of state Attorneys General — lawsuits that raise the core Constitutional issues at stake. We should all be putting our attention on what happens there. Will these suits progress rapidly to the Supreme Court? Will that Court of eight people stand up to Trump, or will they roll over as they did in Bush v. Gore?

We need protests where the core issue is not “Let Them In” but “Obey the Law.” Do we have the will to call for a general strike to protest Trump’s expanding seizure of power? What would happen if we did?

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