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Background Information on Louise Mensch

In response to queries, here is some background information on Louise Mensch, the person behind, taken from a story posted on the National Public Radio website at,…, which she links to from her blog. Most notably: “She was a bestselling author of books for young adults and romantic novels. She became a conservative member of the British parliament. As an aside, she’s also married to the manager of such groups as Metallica and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. In Parliament, Mensch once interrogated media-magnate Rupert Murdoch over a series of scandals at his London tabloid newspapers.” See also‪ Louise Mensch: the former British MP who scooped US media on Trump’s Russian ties…/louise-mensch-trump-russia-ti…. She describes as follows: “Exposing Vladimir Putin’s War on America. Investigative journalism and analysis of the Russian hack on America’s election and related topics. Pro-America, pro-democracy, pro-NATO, pro-Russia, anti-Putin.”

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