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Sorman, Guy (Chinese)

Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman


居伊·索爾曼 (Guy Sorman), 策劃展覽人












Guy Sorman is one of France’s leading public intellectuals. He has often written in defense of free markets and the free society in Europe. As a columnist for the New York-based Project Syndicate, his work is published in more than 100 newspapers and magazines around the world. He also writes frequently for the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal. Sorman has authored over twenty books, several of which have been translated into English, including The New Wealth of Nations, The Genius of India, Rifaa’s Children, The Empire of Lies, and 2009’s Economics Does Not Lie. In 1975, he founded the Editions Sorman publishing company in Paris. From 1993 to 1997, Sorman served as economic adviser to the French minister for foreign affairs, and then to the prime minister. Since 2000, he has chaired the India-France economic council. In 2008, he was appointed global advisor to Korean president Lee Myung Bak. He is the founder and former president of Action against Hunger, a leading NGO. From 2002 to 2007, he served on the French National Commission for Human Rights. From 1995 to 2008, he was the elected deputy mayor of the city of Boulogne-Billancourt, near Paris, and is now chairman of the city’s economic council.

(This essay was written especially for the catalogue of the 2011 Boulogne premiere of the exhibition “The Silent Strength of Liu Xia.” It appeared also, in English, in the catalogue for the 2012 New York showing at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, based at Columbia University, and in English and Chinese in the catalogue of the 2012 Hong Kong showing of the exhibition at the City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Arts Centre as well. Translation by CHEN Biao, coordinator of the ICPC Freedom to Write and Literature Exchange Committee. Text copyright © 2011 by Guy Sorman. All rights reserved.)

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