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Three Weeks in Bookworm Heaven (2)

Grove Press publisher Barney Rosset and his designer stayed out of Frank’s way, simply following the layout of Frank’s maquette for The Americans, letting the pictures, individually and collectively, speak for themselves. That this edition failed commercially doesn’t really matter; through it Frank’s visionary project made its way into the world, and into cultural consciousness, on its own terms. […]

Robert Frank (1924-2019): A Farewell

If Mr. Frank could not escape our awareness of him as the maker of The Americans, he certainly has refused to rest on that laurel, and doggedly resisted our defining him by it. He’s made any attempt to place him on a pedestal or elevate him to a pantheon as difficult as any major artist I know of, past or present. […]

Across the Great Divide (1)

Chancing upon Cousineau-Levine’s volume at a book party in Montreal when it came out, I was amused to open it back in my hotel room only to find it had as its jumping-off point this extreme misinterpretation of my work by a Canadian ― a grammatical misreading that serves as the partial foundation for her entire book. Thus, in her opening paragraphs, Cousineau-Levine undermines her own subsequent argument and impeaches her own scholarship. […]