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Well, now, you may think I'm crazy, but I want you to lick my decals off, baby.
-- Captain Beefheart (Don Van Vliet, 1941-)

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In which the impact of Tristan Tzara, Jack Kerouac, and Captain Beefheart on sex-industry spam marketing reveals itself.

In the previous installment, I provided examples of what I interpret as dada poetry of lyric length generated mechanically by email marketers pushing assorted marital aids, sex herbs, and other such erotic enhancers. So we can consider these texts as byproducts of our sexual environment -- hence my consideration of them in this journal.

The second form of this "spontaneous bop prosody" (as Jack Kerouac described his own semi-automatic writing) comes appended to emails from sources with such names as "Guelph R. Legatee," "Relieved P. Aquaplane," "Emasculation R. Hydrant," and "Bulgaria T. Pantry" -- always with a middle initial, always sounding like a character out of a Tom Robbins novel. These prose/poetry passages are sometimes all there is, sometimes preceded by short messages promoting assorted herbal penile-growth pills, and patches and other remedies for men with erectile dysfunction. I assume this text helps such missives get past the spam-detection software.

Here's how these senders wax poetic/prosaic at (comparatively) epic length:

Subject: discussant tipperary flatulent silent switchblade analyses dey bavaria panicky lineage beaver chronicle debit ntis hyperbola disposable agribusiness interrupt mcfarland bespoke glamor nighttime purveyor

celebratedness cookery book circumboreal. apocentric crossties drainboard corolliform foehn epopt floodgate usis adversion. veenstra         bellying floodlight projector forestem eudiaphoresis bottle rinser embosture chickstone decigrammes arbor columbarium buttockth benjy debe besra exomorphic controllability familiarizing xanthocephalus fingerers catholically. endodontics crawful billetdoux butt shooting facebread euchological animalization dibbled v-formed cyrilla family dragger. availabilities ectophyte flyovers blatterer egg and anchor bedstaff castable editors underperformer        . duodrama bragged adiagnostic wiedman        . united arab emirates abollae affecter cytozoon budgeted anticonventionalist epideictical. ensiles biographise benefits bushskirted demodulating eleanor amalgamization's fibromatous. casefy chasehooped cellulo bulletproofed drupelets candytuft voros         araroba electroballistically disfurnishment dithecous except for algodoncillo. aut crebrous clamorers agamy adenophorous depreciatingly diphosphoric bush-headed catechization's endosmotically amin aggressions contrastably all-desired anesthaetically colourising. brachium columna rostrata caulinar wilcoxen antiangular bowpots axoneure curtainraiser army ant dualization's acequias. backie foram aftershine calabar bean watery aleuroscope doundake fluidly decoyed cephalotaceous audiological crystalline air belt acreak albuminogenous bell punch flyfree yakov          boxbranding choleroid anthropophagous formularizer bonasus canonicals fraulein depetticoat crossarm center fielder afterburner cart ladder amoraim actinostereoscopy compasser aphthonite alleviating crio apologetical buaze fiber blank-eyed usurps          frisbees. burgomastership adenalgia befogged disembargo coal ball disclaimers fire saw anguid. endoplasm four-eyes frits encadre amyloplastid cinquecentist comedical chining.

And another sample:

Subject: aircoaches blind-punch bathetic daunted blennuria

amphitheatre chromatician erinnic castlewise zipping         blocks dulcian disally ectopic endamask. auricled antidancing farther discalceate antirepublican bramantip dyslogia cocked hat vide         boggy exes anachronical afterpressure achromatize foresaid behoney desulfurize centigram's equators centurion claydrying ballast master bulbine analogs. atma extravertive beseen betterbehaved undying          cathin carbonic chassignite bivalve's antiidealistic extraacinous cholericly corporeal
deaddrifting damasking baudikin dioti cellarages emptybellied extra-ammotic brachypnea ems zdrojewski         besplash chuffie brother-in-law culminant concaves angel cellulated clattered fever therapy damson plum. eld blanket fish wrenched curses charitableness differentia cerebral dominance disloyalties destiny's accruals unprussian flakes coffee bread antisegregation call up cellulipetally accession service
womac compotationship cattail flag fleeted cliqueless electroencephalograms abysmally fanglement wronski         cannibalean enhypostatise excessive formatively advertizable anemophily benzoyl acetyl peroxide expulsatory cripes dottels ethmolith diborate dragsters argillitic cascadite criey deadlocks daggerproof. camerate fire-hot chronicon epithets. colotomy applicancy eulogia cannibality charade accordancy aum. beardfish vaporized          agreeingly duckpond benzoquinoxaline dentists elusiveness. bowline.
basing allopaths wren cadgily aerophilous fragmentises claustrophobias boweled. bayonet's all threes avouching cophouse beneficiated cat stopper cystoenterocele braying first-rateness aggregational atloidooccipital antagonisms carecrazed duopolistic cross-examination adjiger brains. bloom bud anorthographical ushant vindemiatrix abomination exorganic field coil antifanatic firelit chondrography despitefully veil         enamine ailanthus family firing iron apprized flameoftheforest encloud civicisms deionised bailments cicatrising bryozoans anthozoic bag-shaped cowhocked blood plum bloodthirstinesses electrohemostasis cuittles buffball autophytic. brachialis anticus embraceably arapaho albuminorrhea bank brakesman extolls cloudlet dapples far cry enskies chest-deep coprincipal ben chervil dynodes delhi doublespun angularizes

And a final one:

Subject:  exclaimer windshield conphaseolin cob wall

crowfoot autolimnetic deepdamasked adminicula containerize zoffany clasp knife alstonidine. fribbled. epinicial daffodowndilly cushion iris encharge androtauric endotracheitis diarrhoetic chart closefights adoxy fishtail-shaped acotyledonous ethmopalatal big-waisted westlund family romance emigrations vertebraria for evermore daughterinlaw.
displants arterioverter alectoromancy elf-stricken yolks disattire frothing drawpoint chocolate corn escocheon yoss         cynomorphous chickenberry embargo duck oak dustheap dogfox conditionalist. wickard crownshaped dragonflies coemptionator fattener erythrogen arialness ficiform double helix. eveningsnow curfew. byacrocodile broos blackheartedly fairmindedness building anchor fahrenheit anidrosis dispaint cup hook dolefuller
dumpling's capanna ecbole wapogoro coolly arabian blanketmaking enginehouse bywater bestrut eversions apar broadarrow billbug deambulate barylalia actinoscopy double-pipe condenser deformable foxship bantering bromite apothems dactyliography cone delta espringal divisionally autographic azeotrope belonging filefishes alnager cherry aphid william bizant diffusers aurocyanide dindles arboureal vivaldi          ethnicities antismuggling flannel cake bullyism. bahts
colourcaster unanglican bankrupting crownofjewjewels bucketfull dishcloth dural contrastively bullishness fountain deck car
employment agent avertive frowl back-palm alldivine backsheesh freezadried biparous croisette florikan compotatory cisplatine extremity bishopling by-common flosh creasiest cookshack chanties cleric bucket dredge distoclusion yum         borderism alopecic flimflamming collars flowerful briskish flexing editchar blackberried fluctuability cupolacapped culler activator wilmerding availed electropolish dioptra. coldbloodedness deck animal anodos. byinge victoria fast-tied zelman         folk custom extra-artistic frowardly. chrisroot calctuff bellowed alternateness un-doric afflicts expertised abristle flagellants bottlers bottlebrush buckeye

For awhile I was heedlessly trashing these, just as I passed by that novel; now I'm saving them. You may recall (and if you don't, I'm reminding you) that Tristan Tzara offered a simple recipe for writing a dada poem: Cut words out of a newspaper, put them in a paper bag, shake the bag, dump the scraps on the table, arrange them in any order, and write them down.

As these have clearly been placed in the public domain, I feel free to claim them, and plan to perform a few at the open-mike readings at my local café; something tells me they'll work very well aloud. Declaimed with the right energy, who knows what could happen? Women love poets, especially when they seem deep, brooding, hard to understand . . .

Tristan Tzara lives! Jack Kerouac lives! Captain Beefheart lives!

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