Nearby Café Home > Love & Lust > Plunce: A Libidinal Journal > Journal Entry 10/11/04

I wanna swallow you whole 'n I wanna lick you everywhere it's pink.
-- Captain Beefheart (Don Van Vliet, 1941-)

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In which we discover yet another form of experimental literature arising from the sex industry.

I've been getting several forms of spam that take on the aspect of dada poetry. Occasionally (but not often), variants on words like Viagra appear in their titles, so I suspect this comes from the sex-industry/marital aids marketeers.

I don't know how I got on whatever lists this spam comes from, but it's actually welcome; I begin to think that maybe I should consider it as literature, in the same vein as the stream-of-consciousness porn novel I wrote about awhile back. It reminds me of the delirious, weirdly lubricious lyrics of the late, lamented Captain Beefheart. (No, he's not actually dead, but he retired that musical persona in order to turn his attention to painting, under his given name of Don Van Vliet.)

I suspect this material comes out of some random-word generating software. If anyone can enlighten me in that regard, please do.

The first of these forms comes in with no attachments or solicitations, from seemingly real names such as "Joanna Webster," with what I assume are dummy addresses (e.g., I can only assume its purpose is simply to test whether mine is a working email address. Here's a sample of the content:

Subject: cityscape crook golf
decryption absolution croix intake oshkosh blurt disruptive brett democrat
incessant horn homomorphism defy shore hatfield aureomycin
deferred deem antioch gawky p's hitler

Subject: bifocal
fee athens oratorio boar sectoral each hydrofluoric
housewares assimilate cartilage longleg insufficient catch away glutamic palatine plane
diabase cautious quartet irreclaimable galactose bassi

Subject: ascription angeline
dane have choral ritchie contusion arnold horticulture cyclone
georgia candelabra carl filch hobbes digestion ethyl codify clobber
deprave off drought cable bishopric ireland pudding

Subject: felice encyclopedic chang plea
apocrypha blockage brigadier coloratura lawyer hypoactive necktie fogging holdup
gadolinium kiss forgo byword bobble chamberlain communicant
schwartz klein distaff gill elegy offspring inscription cameron ancillary

Subject: rhythm moan betel curve
aphrodite edgar esoteric indies brownie aspen gelatine attainder
hansel jocund chromosome assassin
henchmen gangland mayflower simplex

Subject:  finally a tough competitor for vi -agra calumnious
desprit sorrows madison fogyish savoriness harvester drier extended freshen
polyvalent pomp slow betula parallel ecrhythmus camber ecumenic savagely hemic fatidical herdsman diplodocus surfacing bowleg handy
intrastate meeting gropingly pyrausta dividers

Subject: gosh leavenworth coup
expressive contextual gallberry elution deane absence hurty
decathlon directorate fraudulent pinkish defray modulus
formula bausch muriel handstand serene brimful

Subject: fusiform pluggable
bream incipient seizure bullock
goodwin romance fillet halo
male credulous belong hooligan champ bethel linkage

And one last one of this kind:

Subject: rawboned malocclusion lugging
durango backyard pepsi how haphazard familial grad
antisemitism imbue blanket costa
rockefeller cease hex cup babel

These are the lyric poets among them. Next we turn to those who accept the challenge of epic form.

To be continued . . .

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