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Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Going Green

We’ve gone fully solar. Through a program conducted by New York State Solar Farm (NYSSF) we now have an array of solar panels on the southern and western sides of our roof. These are the same panels that power the space station. […]

Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Opioid Tourism

Weighed on the larger scale of things, the proposed methadone clinic’s predictable effect on those homeowners’ property values and sense of security is negligible, and the sacrifices involved on their parts mere fulfillment of their citizenly obligations to the town. […]

Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Home Cooking

The point of my discursions into food budgeting comes down to this: All else being equal, it’s possible in 2023 to eat well and healthily on a modest budget — including the standard amount allocated by the SNAP system. But the key phrase here is “All else being equal.” Which it’s not. […]

Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Small-Town Talk (1)

Autumn has arrived. With the hounds of winter presumably on its traces. The leaves have now mostly turned and dropped, always lovely to watch yet also somehow melancholic. So, while enjoying the seasonal spectacular, we turned our attention to the coming winter, and our preparations for it. […]

Straight Outta Stone Ridge: The Fish Rots All the Way to the Tail

Local Republican candidate Paul Tuzzolino claims to be “fiercely independent.” However, given his party affiliation, and his chosen party’s fealty to the twice-impeached, four-times-indicted convicted rapist, and the variety of fierce independence his Republican cohorts display, we have a right to demand that he put a finer point on his self-congratulatory assertion. […]