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Choice of Audience/Choice of Voice, 1 (1980)

A. D. Coleman selfie, 3-17-20[This is the second in a series of decade-by-decade posts of material from my archives. For the first, click here.

Having lost my platforms at the Village Voice and the New York Times in 1973 and 1974, respectively, by 1980 I had failed to find any comparable replacements. Instead, I had developed a substantial adjunct teaching position in the Department of Photography, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University as my main source of income. (Click here for a brief account of that commitment.)

Despite having published two well-received books — The Grotesque in Photography (1977), the first and still the only survey of this mode, and Light Readings: A Photography Critic’s Writings, 1968-78 (1979), my first collection of essays — I had no offers for regular publication of my writings save for a column in the monthly magazine Camera 35. Additionally, I took whatever opportunities I could find to publish in any available vehicle for my work — in this case, Exposure, the quarterly journal of the Society for Photographic Education (Vol. 18, no. 1, 1980). These and other such comparatively small-circulation, specialized publications put my work from that period before a more narrow-cast readership than I’d enjoyed previously.

Society for Photographic Education logoAs an upside to these conditions, the pressures involved in meeting weekly and bi-weekly deadlines lifted once I stopped writing for those papers. This enabled me to spend more time crafting my prose output, and, beyond that, considering and formulating the hermeneutic issues that underpinned my exegetical practice. I had taken a first stab at that back in 1974, in “Because It Feels So Good When I Stop,” a lecture originally published in Camera 35 and then reprinted in Light Readings. You’ll find it here at the blog. The rumination that begins below builds on and extends some of those thoughts. This is the complete text of an address delivered at the National Conference on the Society for Photographic Education, Stevensville, New York, March 17, 1980. You will find it included in my 1996 collection of essays Tarnished Silver: After the Photo Boom.

When I delivered this talk and published the text thereof, roughly 40 years ago, it seemed unnecessary to identify and thereby implicate in my argument the two individuals to whom I refer only by initials in the opening passage. Four decades later it seems both coy and pointless to conceal their names. “L” was Leroy Searle, and “P” was Paul Berger.

For  Part 2, click here. — A.D.C.]

Choice of Audience/Choice of Voice

Recently, in the Northwest, I found myself in conversation with a professor of literature who is much involved with photography and devotes a considerable amount of his time and energy to writing photography criticism. Let’s call him L.

L describes himself as an “eight-draft writer.” By way of contrast, I am generally a two-draft writer and (though hardly ever) an occasional four-draft writer. These differences reveal much about our intellectual histories, perhaps even about our basic personalities — they may, indeed, be traceable back to our childhoods. Be that as it may, we are both photography critics — by which I mean that we work actively at evolving and articulating a theoretical overview of the medium and applying it to the work of individual photographers, and vice versa (that is, contemplating the work of individual photographers and identifying the generic themes, ideas, issues and styles). We both do this in public and in print, occasionally even within the pages of the same publications.

Exposure, Vol. 18, no. 1 (1980), cover

Exposure, Vol. 18, no. 1 (1980), cover

Our gestation periods may in fact not be too dissimilar — but our production schedules have little in common. L’s output does not exceed four essays a year; mine has recently stabilized at about two dozen, and for an extended period in the past was double and even triple that volume.

There is no implicit value judgement here, in either direction. Quantitatively, I may be more frequently visible than L, and — by virtue of my choice of voice and forums — may maintain a higher public profile. At the same time, a greater percentage of my writing may well be considered ephemeral — useful once around, but disposable thereafter. This doesn’t bother me at all, though I suspect it would drive L crazy — and there’s that difference in personality again. No doubt that’s what makes me a professional writer and L a professional scholar.

Having introduced these characters — who, I should add, seem to enjoy and respect each other enormously — let me get on with the story. L was speaking about the work of a particular photographer — P, for short — whose work L admires, is provoked by, and has written about at length for one of the larger of the medium’s “little” magazines. P had recently mounted a major exhibit in the Northwest, and L was bemoaning the fact that none of the local critics (i.e., those who write about the arts in that area’s newspapers) had even attempted to respond in print to P’s work.

The divergences between L’s approach to critical praxis and my own may be indicated by the fact that my instinctive sympathies lay as much with the local critics as with P. P’s work (which provokes me also, though I have yet to write about it) is hermeneutically oriented and often self-referential; it involves a dense serial layering of images concerned with a variety of languages and communications systems. In their physical appearance alone they look like little else produced in the medium, and the exegetic unraveling of even a single work is a tortuous process of decoding, translation, inference, and wild speculation. Even L was forced to admit that though he believes there may ultimately be a specific message in each of P’s works, he — L — had yet to pinpoint even a single example to his own satisfaction.

A. D. Coleman, "Tarnished Silver" (1996), cover.

A. D. Coleman, “Tarnished Silver” (1996), cover.

So I said to L, “Imagine you’re the art critic for the Northwest Sunday Times. It’s your work (and it’s work you enjoy) to introduce readers to all the different kinds of artwork — including photography — being exhibited in your region. You probably have no specific background or training in photography history or criticism, but you’ve read Beaumont Newhall and Susan Sontag.

“Periodically, you’re obligated to write about photographs. Fortunately, you can usually find occasions to do so where the work in question is emotionally and conceptually accessible to both you and your readers. There was a big Ansel Adams show last year, for example, and the Paul Strand retrospective two years ago, and that Imogen Cunningham tribute, and even a Robert Frank exhibit somewhere in there. All that stuff looked like photography; some of it even looked like art.

“But now here comes a big batch of P’s stuff. It looks a little bit like some kinds of contemporary art, and a little like film, though it’s certainly a set of photographs. But it seems to be about mathematics, calligraphy, television and boxing (boxing?!), among other things. It’s accompanied by all kinds of credentials, including a long, chewy essay written by a guy named L, complete with footnotes to books you’ve never even heard of and terms like signifier and closure and caesura sprinkled in like almonds on the string beans. You’ve never heard of the photographer before, never seen the work before, and if you’re going to deal with it critically you have to come to terms with it in less than three weeks (because the show’s only up for a month) and in no more than 1200 words. Would you likely to leap to that challenge, or would you be more prone to put your attention elsewhere in the hope that P’s work would just go away before anybody noticed the omission?”

L winced, and then we all began to chortle, and after another cup of coffee we left L to his ruminations and headed south to Portland.

What I’m getting at in my roundabout fashion is that the relationship between any given body of work, critic, critical vehicle, and audience can be thought of as an equation.

Paul Berger & Leroy Searle, Radical Space Rational Time (1983), cover

Paul Berger & Leroy Searle, Radical Space Rational Time (1983), cover

In theoretical mathematics, equations do not always balance; since theory is a process of questioning, unresolved and even unresolvable equations are means for provoking the mind into new understandings. But in practical or applied math, it’s the function of equations to balance. And in what I proposed we think of as practical or applied criticism, the same holds true.

It’s been my observation over the years that very few photography critics have ever thought through and balanced their own personal-professional equations. The specific consequences of this failure can be disastrous. I know of people who’ve lost forums because they failed to match the level of their discourse to the publication and its audience. I’ve also watched critics who disdain their audience snobbishly talk down to and alienate their readers for years. On a more general level, I continually observe what I think of as the “ships that pass in the night” syndrome: valid, useful and even excellent essays whose impact is nullified or whose energy is blunted by presentation in inappropriate forums to the wrong audiences. (Let me note here, too briefly, that some of the burden of responsibility for this surely devolves upon editors.)

In the abstract, of course, there may be no such thing as an absolutely inappropriate forum; one never knows when fortuitous coincidence will marry the right writer and the right reader on the altar of a printed page. Sometimes, as I’ll indicate shortly, deliberate inappropriateness can even be used as a tactic. And. in the last analysis, any attempt at controlled communication is a gamble of sorts. But one can play the percentages in different ways. What I will try to offer here are some specific strategies which may help to swing the odds in the critic’s favor.

Paul Berger, Multiplex (2018), cover

Paul Berger, Multiplex (2018), cover

The four key elements of the critical equation, as I suggested earlier, are (1) the work, (2) the critic, (3) the vehicle or forum, and (4) the audience. Each of these represents a wide range of options; furthermore, each individual case is in a state of continual change.

(a) The Work. The work does not exist to serve the critic; nor does the critic exist simply to serve — i.e., to promote, approve, and market — the work. The critical equation I’ve proposed functions to serve all its components. But the work comes first.

And the critic’s first task in relation to it is to select those aspects or segments of the work on which he/she will concentrate. Some may be more eclectic than others in the span of work they discuss over a period of time. Some may range more widely through the medium’s entire history. Some may concentrate on only a few facets of image-making. The permutations and combinations may not be infinite, but they are not in short supply.

Locating one’s own areas of interest and concern, pinpointing these territories within the larger corpus of photography in general, is the critic’s beginning task. Some of us know from the outset what we want to write about; others, like the sculptor from India queried about his stone rendition of an elephant, have to “chip away everything that’s not an elephant” to locate our true subject — that is, to write something about almost everything in order to watch our own predilections emerge.

(b) The Critic. Once the critic has named the task, s/he must proceed to become the right tool for the job. Let us assume a basic articulacy and ability to write functional prose. These are prerequisite to any resolution of the critic’s first dilemma, getting heard, which will necessitate the evolution of some combination of lung power (or its equivalent in print), eloquence, style, and substance. Beyond that, the critic must develop a coherent set of understandings and working definitions, along with an adequate vocabulary. Some people come to their critical work full-fledged in this regard; others, as I’ve suggested, may work it out piecemeal.

Self-education or even formal training in specific areas of individual critical emphasis may be called for, especially if the critic wishes to be thought of as authoritative in discussing the relationship of photography to another discipline. But the eclectic generalist also has a significant role to play in any critical dialogue.

Serving Your Photocriticism Needs Since 1968Whether it takes place before one’s entry into the field of criticism or during one’s public practice of the craft, this shaping of oneself into an instrument appropriate to one’s purpose is a central act of self-definition. It is that shape to which I am applying the term “voice,” and it will have a pervasive influence on the critic’s individual role within the larger critical dialogue.

(c) The Vehicle or Forum. Publications (and such other occasional forums for serious criticism as TV shows and radio programs) are rarely created or controlled by individual critics. Infrequently, a publication’s staff — sometimes including its regular critics — formulate editorial policy. More commonly, the nature of a given forum is determined through a system of checks and balances involving the editor-in-chief, the publisher, the readership, and even the advertisers (if any).

In that sense, any forum tends to be a fait accompli insofar as the critic is concerned. The critic rarely has any control over such crucial matters as frequency of publication, size and nature of readership, length of articles, editorial:advertising ratio, orientation of advertising, design and layout, pricing and distribution. Yet each of these factors will have a strong effect on the way the critic’s writing is perceived, and may in fact serve to shape it in the making.

(d) The Readership. Of all three elements outside of him/herself, the readership or audience is the one over which the critic has least control, and which in fact is most difficult to define.

It is only after the critic has established a public presence and identity over a period of years that s/he can assume the existence of a personal constituency — i.e., a group of readers specifically interested in what that particular critic has to say and willing to seek out his/her writing in whatever vehicle(s) the critic chooses. Prior to achieving such a relationship with the audience, the critic must assume that the reader’s allegiance is to the periodical (or other forum), to the particular work being written about, or to the medium within which the work is created, and not necessarily to the critic’s own viewpoint. …

(Part 1 I 2)

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