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I want to play with your poodle.
-- Tampa Red (Hudson Whittaker, 1903-1981)

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In which the value of frank disclosure in online personals ads manifests itself.

Make that a really, really shaggy poodle, Red . . .

Here's my idea of a forthright and extremely helpful profile (real, and absolutely unchanged by me) from one of the online dating service I'm using. For any number of reasons, some obvious, some not, this woman ain't for me; but her candid, non-generic disclosures make that decision simple, which does save time. She writes:

I'm unpretentious, opinionated, easy to laugh, hard to impress, I haven't owned a TV for years, and I hate chick flicks, New Age squishyness, and self-righteous sloganeering.

My friends' kids -- from 2 to 15 -- think I'm cool.

I have never shaved. Anything. (I'm not very hairy anyway.) I wouldn't admit that in a JDate personal, but I know you Nerve guys can handle it.

I have a cute little house in Austin waiting for me, with a creek in the backyard, willows, armadillos, possums, and raccoons, 10 min. from Barton Springs.

I enjoy innovative user-friendly design, solving the world's problems over good food, spirited davening, learning, teaching, lots of alone time, sleeping late, blogging, reading poetry out loud, and we can compare tastes in movies/theater/music when we meet.

I tend to gravitate to entrepreneurial tech geeks rather than, say, humanities academics, but feel free to change my mind. I am looking for a guy who is sociable, straightforward, independent, affectionate, treasured by his friends/family, is not necessarily Jewish but understands my Judaism is intricately woven into every part of my being, is unafraid of conflict and fights fair, has a wry sense of humor and an insatiable curiosity about the world and what makes it tick.

It's been a long time (because I'm picky and very private) and I really miss juicy sweaty playful passionate sex with the right person. Please be the right person.

What can one say? You go, sabra girl!

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