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You Ask What I Want

You ask what I want
as if we are in a doughnut store,
as if I could say:   two glazed,
a chocolate old-fashioned,
or a jelly roll to go.
Always I am without words.
I move my mouth, say nothing.
      What is this want?

It's not like that, I say finally,
as if I don't want.
Yet I do.
I go away empty,
the vacuum sucking at me.
I'm hungry to put voice to this void
and still the words won't come....

I want
to see the bottoms of your eyes
looking into mine
      beyond all images
      beyond all history
      beyond all wishes
      beyond all hopes.

I want to feel
all of your connection to me
      in the tips of your fingers
      in the texture of your mouth
      in the flow of your breath
      in the pulse of your blood.

I want to be with you
      all the way up the mountain
      and all the way down the other side.

I want to touch you
      spirit to spirit
      aura to aura
      just to feel the colors mix and swirl.

If you are with me, I will feel it.
If you love me, I will feel it.
If you run away, I will feel that too.
The body never lies,
that's what makes sex so vulnerable.

Don't you know?

© Copyright 2005 by David Steinberg. All rights reserved.