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Middle Kingdom Press Clips

The process of engaging with the People's Republic of China has resulted in an unexpected degree of press coverage of my activities both personal and professional. These stories you'll find below, in ascending order, with the most recent at the top. I present them here in either (or both) of two formats: as links to the archives at the sites of the periodicals in which they appeared, and/or as downloadable pdf files of their printed versions.

For information on the publications represented, click here.


"'China: Insights' Opens in America" and "Shenzhen Photography Traveling Internationally," Shenzhen Economic Daily, May 13, 2008. In Chinese. Feature story on the world premiere of the China: Insights" exhibition that I co-curated, at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, University of Oklahoma April 17, 2008.
"'China: Insights' Opens in America," Shenzhen Economic Daily, May 13, 2008. In Chinese. PDF download of both the above texts combined.


"What Makes One Photographic Print Worth USD $2.9 Million?" Shenzhen Economic Daily, January 29, 2007. In Chinese. Essay in response to an SZD feature on the Chinese photo-collecting scene.
"The best Chinese photographic work is world-class,"Shenzhen Economic Daily, January 29, 2007. In Chinese. Part 1 of an interview with me.
"xxxxx,"Shenzhen Economic Daily, January 29, 2007. In Chinese. Part 2 of an interview with me.
"What Makes One Photographic Print Worth USD $2.9 Million?/Interview with A. D. Coleman,"Shenzhen Economic Daily, January 29, 2007. In Chinese. PDF download of all the above texts combined.


"New York photo critic looks to settle in city," Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, October 14, 2006. In English and Chinese.
"New York photo critic looks to settle in Shenzhen," Shenzhen Daily, September 20, 2006. In English.
Online version.
PDF download.

Publications represented:

  • Shenzhen Economic Daily: Published in Shenzhen on weekdays. Chinese-language, circulation 550,000.
  • China Daily: Published in Beijing on weekdays. English-language, circulation 300,000.
  • Shenzhen Daily: Published in Shenzhen on weekdays. English-language, circulation 40,000.
  • Shenzhen Special Zone Daily: Published in Shenzhen on weekdays. Chinese, with one English-language page, circulation 40,000.

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Unless otherwise credited, all text and images in this feature
are © copyright 2006-2008 by A. D. Coleman. All rights reserved.

By permission of the author and Image/World Syndication Services,