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The Anchovy in Science
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In the world of science we of the Anchovy play many roles: subjects of study, source of information, early warning system. — The Schoolmarm

We of the Anchovy are, according to every source, a major food of almost all predatory fish, making us a key species in the food web. Our own primary food source is the vegetation known to you as plankton, of which we are a major consumer.

Plankton are microscopic organisms that float freely with oceanic currents and in other bodies of water. Plankton is made up of tiny plants (called phytoplankton) and tiny animals (called zooplankton). The word plankton comes from the Greek word "planktos" which means "drifting." For more about our sacred source of nourishment, go to the Enchanted Learning website.

Sometimes you of the UnAnchovy seem to know more aout us that we do Ourselves. See, for example, "Characterization of the swimming muscle of the anchovy Engraulis anchoita (Hubbs and Martini 1935)."

Killer Clicks
Eugenie Samuel

Those friendly clicks dolphins make could actually be weapons in an impressive hunting arsenal, say American researchers. . . . Ken Marten of Earthtrust in Hawaii and Denise Herzing from Florida Atlantic University say they have hard evidence on videotape.. . . . In a further experiment, Marten showed that low sounds with similar acoustic properties to dolphins' clicks disorientated anchovies to the point where they swam in circles, remained still or died. "It could also mess up their schooling," he says." (Issue of January 31, 2001. It most certainly does "mess up their schooling." Hard enough to keep sprats concentrating on their swimming patterns. — The Schoolmarm)

Two researchers in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) at the University of Georgia's Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, Dr. Bernd Meyer and Dr. Jan Thomsen, devised a neural network database system they call the ANalytical CHemical Object Verification sYstem, or ANCHOVY for short. (For more, click here. Perhaps this relates to the evidence that fish function as "brain food." — The Schoolmarm)

Some specialists in a computer-programming discipline called Automatic Differentiation have named themselves Tapenade, after the delicious anchovy-flavored spread. (For more, click here.)

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Illustrations © copyright 1997 by Annika Eklöf. All rights reserved.