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Film the Police (3)

You lack even the fundamental honesty to admit that the FBI today, under your leadership, commits criminally negligent, brutal, violent, murderous, and otherwise outrageous acts on the citizenry. Surely it’s noteworthy that the FBI itself makes no annual public report of its own grievous errors. No surprise, then, that you approach the collection of such information about police departments lower down the food chain in such a lackadaisical manner. […]

Ernest C. Withers and the F.B.I.

How this news of Ernest C. Withers’s complicity with the F.B.I. will affect public and critical regard for his work I can’t say. The revelation doesn’t invalidate the work he did as a documentarian and photojournalist, but it surely nuances my response to know that he was slipping prints of some of these images, and other documents, and verbal information to his handlers on the sly. […]