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Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Opioid Tourism

Weighed on the larger scale of things, the proposed methadone clinic’s predictable effect on those homeowners’ property values and sense of security is negligible, and the sacrifices involved on their parts mere fulfillment of their citizenly obligations to the town. […]

An Arranged Marriage (1994)

The simple fact is that, for any creative person who engages with it seriously, the computer makes feasible things that couldn’t have been done before — either because they were impossible or because they were too labor-intensive to be worthwhile. […]

The Final Image (1994)

I sat there in the respectful silence one reserves for historic moments marking major cultural change. So much for all our agonizing debates over the ethics of electronic image alteration in photojournalism, our ponderous ruminations about whether the editors at National Geographic should have moved those damn pyramids closer together. Vox pop had spoken, and its answer was: Go for it. […]

Straight Outta Stone Ridge: Home Cooking

The point of my discursions into food budgeting comes down to this: All else being equal, it’s possible in 2023 to eat well and healthily on a modest budget — including the standard amount allocated by the SNAP system. But the key phrase here is “All else being equal.” Which it’s not. […]

New Japanese Photography (1974)

Much as I might wish it were otherwise, in considering the Museum of Modern Art’s latest photography exhibit and catalogue New Japanese Photography it proves impossible to discuss the photographs themselves without simultaneously analyzing the show and book. […]