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Guest Post 33: Dennis Low on the Gian Butturini/Martin Parr Controversy (a)

Exuding an exhaustive scholarliness and an air of academic authority, Neumüller’s textual apparatus thus becomes unstable on close inspection, at its worst incomplete, misleading, and factually inaccurate. … Parr and Butturini’s social media detractors, very limited in number and audience, never put forward a case to support their claims that Butturini’s London was a racist text. […]

Guest Post 28: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (m)

Nothing about this time-consuming yet vital censorship process was included in Morris’s version of the film saga. It is Morris’s deliberate avoidance or trivialization of the topic that raises suspicion that there must have been much more than he was willing to discuss. […]

Guest Post 28: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (l)

Capa’s surviving photos gave no evidence of the onslaught that had hit the beaches, and instead would raise doubt about the strength and significance of the landings. In short, they were precisely the kind of images the Allies wanted the Germans to see. And there’s small chance that was a matter of coincidence. […]

Guest Post 28: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (k)

Morris’s various tellings of the saga of Capa’s films omitted entirely a vital matter, that of censorship by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF). Any undeveloped film coming in from correspondents at the front was assumed, as a minimum, to be classifiable as secret material, so the handling of Capa’s film would both begin and end on the censors’ desk. […]

Guest Post 24: Robert Dannin on the “Day in the Life” Projects (f)

Entrepreneurship undisguised by any pretense to journalism was baked into the Day in the Life paradigm, not only in the superficiality of its origins among San Francisco’s technophiles but, more deeply, in the quest for profits while conceding the rest — esthetics, syntax, semantics, emotions, accuracy — for a piñata stuffed with penny candy and meaningless trinkets. […]