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About Liu Xia

Born in 1959 in Beijing, Liu Xia is a poet, painter and photographer, and the wife of 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo. She began writing poetry and fiction in 1981, took up photography in 1990, and later devoted herself to painting.

Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia, Selected Poems, 2000.

Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia, Selected Poems, 2000.

For over three decades Liu Xia has been one of the most notable figures of the contemporary Chinese artworld. Her work in various media focuses on freedom of expression but remains rooted in traditional Chinese values and styles. Her major works include Liu Xiaobo Liu Xia shixuan [Selected Poems of Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia], published by Xiafei’er International Press, Hong Kong, (2000), and Fang Da [Enlarged], a photography collection.

Nobel Peace Prize medallionLiu Xia is prohibited from public exhibit in China and her work is shown only in private or on the Internet. She met the writer and activist Liu Xiaobo in 1982. In 1996, they married while Liu Xiaobo was imprisoned for his writings in favor of democracy. Since his arrest, Liu Xia has become her husband’s spokesman to the outside world. After Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010, Liu Xia, though never charged or convicted in China, was put under house arrest. She has been deprived of all means of contact with the outside world since January 2010.

The world open around us,

We communicate in gestures.

— Liu Xia

Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia in an undated photo released by his family.

Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia in an undated photo released by his family.

Née en 1959 à Pékin, Liu Xia est poète, artiste-peintre et photographe.

Depuis les années 1980, elle est une des figures les plus notoires du nouveau monde artistique chinois, épris de liberté d’expression mais ancré dans la tradition.

Jusqu’à la répression de la révolte étudiante de Tian Anmen, en juin 1989, Liu Xia et les artistes de sa génération étaient publiés et exposaient leurs travaux à Pékin ; mais depuis 1989, la censure règne. Liu Xia est interdite d’exposition publique en Chine et ses oeuvres ne sont montrées qu’en privé ou sur Internet.

En 1996, Liu Xia a épousé l’écrivain Liu Xiaobo, incarcéré pour ses écrits favorables à la démocratie : elle est devenue depuis lors son porte-parole auprès du monde extérieur. Après l’attribution du Prix Nobel de la paix 2010 à Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia, bien que jamais inculpée ni condamnée en Chine, a été assignée à résidence : elle est privée de tout moyen de communication depuis janvier 2011.

Alors que le monde s’ouvre de toutes parts

Nous (Chinois) nous ne pouvons communiquer que par gestes

— Liu Xia






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